Aggregation process

The Duties Act 1999 (external site) requires certain dutiable transactions to be aggregated for the purpose of calculating conveyance duty, even if the transactions relate to separate dutiable properties. When transactions are aggregated, conveyance duty is calculated on the total value of the properties added together, instead of assessing each transaction separately.

Aggregation ensures duty is correctly assessed on large transactions spread over multiple instruments or transactions.

Transactions relating to separate items of dutiable property must be aggregated if they:
Dutiable transactions that can satisfy one of the below exceptions will not be aggregated.

If your transaction satisfies one of these provisions, you need to record the relevant concession code number on the Buyer Verification Declaration before you lodge for registration at Access Canberra in Dickson. You must also complete the accompanying Annexure - form 029 (external site), which must list each property separately, and each property’s market value or consideration, whichever is greater.

Transactions are also not to be aggregated if the Commissioner for ACT Revenue is satisfied that it would not be just and reasonable to do so. If you wish to apply for your transactions not to be aggregated in accordance with section 24(2)(d) of the Duties Act 1999, you should also lodge a written statement detailing reasons why it would not be just and reasonable to aggregate the transactions.

The consideration field on the transfer instrument must reflect the sum of all properties’ consideration or market value (using whichever amount is greater for each property). This annexure is a declaration to the ACT Revenue Office to affirm your eligibility in accordance with the above provisions. The transferring instrument and annexure page must be submitted to Access Canberra upon registration. The ACT Revenue Office will then provide a Notice of Assessment for each property.